PMM Automated Calibration: Cal Sled Method
See the attached files.
This article describes the process of automating the calibration of PM200 and PM600 pressure modules using COMPASS for Pressure and the "Cal Sled" (PMM-CAL-KIT-40M or -100M). The automated process requires the use of COMPASS macros. The automated process consists of taking As Received data, making an adjustment to the calibration coefficients, and then finishing with an As Left verification run.
See this article for more information on the "Cal Sled", Pressure Measurement Module (PMM) Calibration Kits (and Commands to use with)
If your database (typically named "compsetp.mdb") does not have the macros you will need to add them. MS Word files are provided to copy the VB Script code and paste into the COMPASS via Macro Editor tool. Alternately, a pair of example databases are provided -- one for users who are running COMPASS for Pressure version 4.2 or older, and one for those running version 5 or newer.
For BRM600-BA100K PMMs, Apply pressure to both ports on the calibration sled (Test & Ref) or plug the reference port. For all other absolute PM600s, apply pressure to the test port.
For all “BG” PM200s, Be sure the reference port on the calibration sled is un-plugged and open to atmosphere. This applies to both single and multi-port sleds.
For absolute PM200s, Be sure the reference port on the calibration sled is plugged. This applies to both single and multi-port sleds.
April 10, 2018 - Revised COMPASS databases, Transfer_PMM_v42.mbd and Transfer_PMMCal_v5.mdb with revised macros.
A tutorial for curve fitting concepts and the basic math behind the adjustments used in these macros can be found here: Curve Fitting 101