Views: 186
August 24, 2023

FAQ - 345 driver issues

Question: How do I install install drivers for the Fluke 345

Answer: Issue may due to Windows requiring "signed" drivers

The 345 was originally a product from LEM instruments (Analyst 2060).  Fluke bought LEM around 2007, the 2060 was updated (USB added) and re-branded as the Fluke 345.
Embedded within the instrument are two 16bit binary codes that identify the product and the vendor (PID and VID).  In the LEM and earlier Fluke models these codes belonged to FTDI (as agreed with FTDI).
Since Microsoft introduced 64bit operating systems and also enforced driver signatures Fluke had to use their own VID & PID, these were introduced in 2010.  The issue is that current signed 64bit drivers do not recognise the VID and PID in an older 345.

Please try the following from this web page

Here is a driver uninstaller from FTDI…

Please try this earlier unsigned 64bit driver…..

Run the uninstaller, once this is started (needs admin privileges) add the following (enter “F771” & “0403” into the ID boxes and click Add).
Then click “Remove Devices”. this will clean the registry on your computer (currently the driver can’t be matched to the device).
Now the 64 bit (unsigned) driver can be installed, download and unzip the earlier unsigned driver (v2.08).
Next step plug in the unit – the found new hardware wizard should start up. It should not find any driver, so please direct it to look at the location to which you copied the file above.
This should successfully install the correct driver.

It is possible that your unit may need to be returned to Fluke for “repair” in order to be able to use drivers compatible with Windows 10.