

The purpose of the article is to explain the difference between the Maximum and Minimum Average results and the Maximum and Minimum 1/2 cycle results using the Energy Analyze Plus software.

We need to first explain how the Fluke Instrument gathers data, the sample rate to gather data is fixed at ½ cycle rate (8.33ms) or you can say 120 samples per second for RMS measurements.

In the meter you have the empowerment to select the Interval before you start recording, we will use an example of 1 minute Intervals. We know the sample rate is 120 RMS readings per second, 120 x 60 = 7,200 readings and the meter will keep the Maximum reading, Minimum reading and the Average of the 7,200 readings and throw away the 7,198 readings and repeat the process every minute until you stop the recording.

Below is a screen shot of the software showing Amperage graph results (black line) for the A phase only you can add the B, C and N by checking the boxes on the right side. The default viewing of the data once you click on Energy Study and the V, A, Hz, THD section will graph the Average readings along with two vertical cursors. The steps to hide the cursors are right click on the graph and a menu will pop up offering you to hide the cursors by clicking on that item.



I checked the Max box on the right side of the program and another graph is drawn on the page to show the ½ cycle (8.33ms) results and I choose another color (Pink)  instead of black which is the 1 minute Average Interval results. Normally the customers want to know the Interval average results for a Load Study as an example.



Another feature to show when the highest and lowest levels occur for the Average results is to select Find Min/Max. Go to bottom of the page and put your mouse on the black box and right click and the menu will pop up and choose Find Min/Max.



Here is another screen shot of the graph with the Min/Max results showing the level and date and time when it occurred.
