How to Perform a Bulk Change on a Group of Assets
This article describes the process of the Bulk Change feature in MET/TEAM, which allows you to modify a large number of assets very quickly. If a set of assets need to have the same fields changed, it is usually much easier to perform a Bulk Change on that set rather than modifying each record individually.
Bulk Change Workflow
- Choose a master asset that has the desired field value. Go to its asset record.
- Click the Bulk Change button.
- Select all assets that need to mirror the value found on the master asset.
- In the Bulk Change screen, choose the field that you wish to copy from the master asset to all the others.
- Click Process.
In this example, suppose all assets that were sitting in "Storage Room A" were moved to "Warehouse 4". The objective will be to modify the Physical Location field on all of the assets in Storage Room A to their new location using Bulk Change.
1) Bring up the Asset record for an instrument whose Physical Location equals Warehouse 4. We can either find an existing item with that value or change the field for one of the 'Storage Room A' assets and save the record.
2) Click the Bulk Change button. The asset you are on when you press Bulk Change becomes the "master" Asset.
3) In the Select Assets find screen, make sure the Remember button is selected, and click the Add Criteria button.
4) Add Physical Location to the find screen's search criteria.
5) Search for assets whose Physical Location equals Storage Room A.
6) Select all of the returned results and click OK. (Hint: you can quickly select every returned result by pressing the Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut)
7) In the Bulk Change screen, notice the "Fields to update" grid. Only the fields that are selected within this grid will be copied from the master to all the other assets. Scroll down to Physical Location and select it.
To check an entry within this grid, you must left-click within the text portion of the cell; clicking on the checkbox itself will not select it.
8) Set the state of the "Standard Note" checkbox, if checked, a note is added to the asset stating date, time, user that made the change along with old and new values. If unchecked, no note is added. If you have the 'Change Tracking' system default enabled, we recommend unchecking the box.
9) Click the Process button to perform the bulk change.
If you wish you can verify the change was made to the assets by doing the below.
A) Click to highlight one of the assets in the grid on the top of the "Bulk Change" page and click the 'quick link' on the right to open the asset record for the selected asset. Verify that the Physical Location was updated to "Warehouse 4".
B) If in step 8 you checked the "Standard Note" checkbox, you can click on the History/Notes tab on this asset, you will see new text appended to the Notes field. This note shows that this asset was a member of a bulk change. It details who performed the change, at what time, and what fields/values were modified.