Purpose: To document the recommended best practice to add or update the Due Date (full cycle) on an Asset including standards / references
We have two somewhat related articles, this one, to add or update a due date of an asset (full cycle), including standards / references including assets sent out for calibration before they can used in MET/CAL Runtime.
The second article that explains Extend the Due Date on an Asset (less than full cycle)
NOTE: It is recommended that you never manually update the "Scheduled Services" grid on the assets page, with one exception. It is OK to delete an existing scheduled service if it is no longer necessary to track the service. As an example, if your 5522A had two scheduled services, one every 12 months for "Calibration" and one every 3 months for "Maintenance" / cleaning the filter. If you have updated your environmental system and have found the filters are no longer getting dirty making the 3 month "Maintenance" service is unnecessary, then we recommended you manually select the "Maintenance" service and delete it. Any other desired additions or updates to the Scheduled Services grid should be accomplished by processing work orders, similar to the process described below. Returning the work orders will result in the needed scheduled service records being either created or updated.
UPDATE: If the asset is used as a MET/CAL reference, it is critical that a work order interval is used that matches the available accuracy files. Typically this will be a 12 month interval but if a different, unsupported interval is used, MET/CAL will error stating that a valid accuracy file cannot be located. To prevent this issue, use an appropriate interval.
The process below is what you need to follow each 'full cycle' when your equipment comes due, regardless if you service the asset yourself or if send it "out for cal" to a subcontractor / vendor.
NOTE: The process below is the simplest, most streamlined process, but if your company's documented workflow process is different, it should be followed instead. The bottom line is that you need to Receive, edit the Work Order, set it to a "Complete" status and then "Return".
Start by opening the asset record for your Standard. To do that, use the Maintenance menu in MET/TEAM. Maintenance>Assets. Once you find it, open the record.
1) Receive it first by clicking on the receive box icon.
2) that will open a work order.
a) Make sure service type is calibration
b) Make sure service date is the same as the day it was calibrated - if not, edit by clicking on the calendar icon.
c) Make sure that the recall interval is valid for the calibrator (eg 12 months, or 90 days or the recall interval you use that matches the specified interval from the product manual).
d) Change status to complete. then, save
Select return:?
select yes:
select process:?
That is all you have to do., at this point your asset's due date has been updated and you can now use your calibrated standard in MET/CAL Runtime.
If you still have issues / concerns, contact softwaresupport@flukecal.com for assistance.