

1- Before annealing we recommend to measure the RTPW using a TPW cell and record this value.

2- We recommend using a 9173 metrology well or similar that can reach 665°C to anneal a 5699. 

3- Gently insert the 5699 in the 3/16 hole to allow a good thermal transfer from the block to the probe. We don't want the sheath to be too loose or too tight. 

4- The SPRT needs to be annealed at 665°C. Set the scan rate to 5°C/min in the 9173 and the temperature to 665°C. 

5- After the 9173 has reached 665°C, anneal the 5699 for 4 hours and after the annealing is done DON'T REMOVE the SPRT immediately from the furnace. Set the temperature of the furnace to 480°C at the scan rate of 2°C/minute.

6- Once the furnace reaches 480°C you can remove the SPRT to ambient, and let it cool down to room temperature.

7- Measure the RTPW in a TPW cell and compare it to the RTPW taken before annealing and to one on the report of calibration. We would like the new RTPW to be as close as possible to the original RTPW stated in the report of calibration.   

8- If necessary anneal the 5699 two or three times until the RTPW stabilizes


9- After the RTPW stabilizes (RTPW drift<0.0009O) use the last RTPW to update this value in the readout.


10- If the RTPW doesn’t stabilize we recommend to send the 5699 for calibration/evaluation to our lab. To request a quote and RMA please send an email to