March 19, 2023

Unable to connect your PC3000FC to computer using SW3000FC software

The purpose of this article is to give instructions on how to install the USB driver for the PC3000FC. 


If you are unable to connect your PC3000FC to SW3000FC software, it could be a USB driver issue. Here are a few steps to make sure that it is setup properly.

  • Open the Device Manager on your computer (My Computer > Control Panel > Device Manager)
    • Or type in Device Manager in the Windows Start search bar
  • Look for the drop down titled “Ports (COM & LPT)”, once selected you should see your device assigned to a COM port (COM#).
    • There might be a yellow triangle with a “!” next to a “USB Serial Port”, this will appear if the USB driver did not install successfully; manually update driver by right clicking on device and selecting “Update Driver Software…”  mceclip2.png
  • Right click on the device and select “Properties” to view driver information, select “Driver” tab at the top of the new window; you should be able to view the Driver Provider and Driver Version.
  • FTDI is the driver provider for the optical to USB cable (IR189USB). 
  • If there are blanks or “???” in any of the fields, you would need to uninstall and reinstall the necessary driver (this would also require a computer restart once the driver is installed)                                        mceclip3.png
  • If you are unsure what the recent driver version is you can view FTDI's website for more information, FTDI Chip Driver; scroll down to the table and look for the “Windows” row, the last column in that row is “Comments”, there is a download link labeled as “setup executable”, select that to download driver.
  • Open the downloaded .exe file to install current driver. Once complete, restart the computer.