
*** 2021-June ***There was a recent bug with the COMPASS import feature that was a addressed with a Hot Fix. MET/TEAM 3.0.0 Hot-Fix . Please see this link, install the HotFix, and that should fix the problem,


COMPASS data files can be imported directly into an existing work order. The COMPASS data file import option is controlled by a system default, Work Order - Enable COMPASS Data File Import. If active, the option is available.

With MET/TEAM, version 2.0.4 or higher is required. Prior to version 2.0.4, a "valid license could not be found" error would occur. This feature must be enabled in System Defaults in order to be available on the Work Order.

The attached pdf file is the same as the below information.

Enable it in this screen.

Then you can import into the Work Order. On the Results tab (1) is a COMPASS button/icon (2) that will prompt for a data file.


Selecting a file and pressing the Process button will bring up a progress display that shows the state of the current import. For the extreme case of importing a GFS data file, which may import several thousand points, this process may take a couple of minutes.

If there is a discrepancy between the data in the file and the asset associated with the current work order, a confirmation message is displayed:

The file to be processed will be uploaded to the server, into the same directory used for MET/TEAM imports, which is defined in system defaults.

If the directory is not valid, a prompt to open system defaults is presented, like when running an import.

If the import is canceled, the points processed up to that point will be present in the database. They can be removed by deleting the work order result that was created for this import.

COMPASS results are best viewed using the COMPASS Data results view.

Parameter/Field information

Example screen-shots