
To utilize a MET/TEAM Procedure to an executable program, you would need to follow below steps:

1. Go to Maintenance-> Procedures, click the "Add" button.

2. In the "Add Procedure" window, type in the "Procedure Name" textbox, "MyEXETest".

3. Click Ellipsis for the "Data Sheet" textbox. In the "Attach Data Sheet" window, click "Procedure" for the search value if the EXE file has been added to MET/TEAM and then click "Find" button. Then skip to step 4. If not, click "Add" button and follow the below steps 3a to 3c, and then redo step 3.

3a. In the pop up "Add File" window, "Link To" dropdown listbox, click "Procedure".

3b. Click the "Browse" button for the "File Name" textbox and browse to the .exe file, MyEXETest.exe.

3c. Click "Save" button, then "Close" button.

4. In "Add Procedure" window, double click the EXE file from the search result.The "Data Sheet" textbox will be filled.

5. Under "Service Type (Proc)", click "Calibration". 

6. Under "Category (Proc)", click Ellipsis to bring up "Select Category (Proc)" window.

7. Click "Add" button, type in Visual Basic for the "Category Name", or an appropriate name for the EXE file. Click "OK" button. And then double click "Visual Basic" in the list.

8. Click "Save" button.