9940 IO Toolkit Readme file
9940 IO Toolkit Utility
Copyright (C) 2008 Fluke Corporation Hart Scientific Division
All rights reserved
1. Introduction
2. Supported instruments
3. Communication Basics
4. Log Data
5. Log Tags
6. Probe Settings
7. Commands
8. Settings
9. Web site
10. Technical Support
1. Introduction
The intent of the 9940 IO Toolkit Utility (IO Toolkit) is to provide a way to interface with FlukeHart Scientific instruments. Using the RS-232 interface the software provides access to various
functions of the instrument.
Each instrument has a unique feature set. As such, the same features may not be available for
all instruments. The software will only provide access to features that are supported by the
detected instrument.
The following sections list the supported instruments and describe the functions that may be
available within the utility.
2. Supported Instruments
The following models are currently supported by IO Toolkit:
Model 1523 Handheld Readout
Model 1524 Handheld Readout
From time to time updates and additions will be made to this list. These updates are available
for download from the Hart Scientific web site. For more details see the web site section.
3. Communication Basics
Connect the instrument to an available RS-232 port and start the software. IO Toolkit uses an
auto-detection process to establish communications with the connected instrument. Connect
the instrument to an available RS-232 port and start the software.
The auto-detection process sends identification commands over a range of possible baud rates
until a response is received. By default the software attempts communications on COM1. If the
serial port being used is not COM1 the auto-detect may be aborted. Otherwise, the auto-detect
process will finish and indicate that an instrument could not be detected. The correct port may
then be specified.
For more details on selecting the serial port see the Settings section.
4. Log Data
This feature allows data to be downloaded that has been logged by the instrument. Instruments
may support two types of logging: auto and demand. Both options are supported by the
software. Downloading logged data can be done by clicking on the Log Data icon.
Auto log data is generally associated with a tag. Data can be downloaded for all tags or for a
specific tag. Downloaded data can be stored in a single file or separated into files by tag.
Demand log data is generally associated with an index. Data can be downloaded for all indexes
or for a specific index. Downloaded data is stored in a single file.
The log data dialog allows you to browse and select a folder to save the logged data files to.
Unless otherwise specified, the default folder is used. For more information on the default
folder see the Settings section.
The Download button is used to retrieve and save data from the indicated instrument log based
on the selections made on the dialog.
The Erase button clears data for the indicated log. Auto log data can be erased for all tags or just
a single tag. When erasing the demand log all data is erased.
5. Log Tags
This feature provides a way to manage log tags. Log tags are used to manage log data stored in
the instrument. Managing log tags can be done by clicking on the Log Tags icon.
The Log Tags dialog displays the tags that are currently stored in the instrument. Changes made
on the dialog are not written to the instrument until the Upload button has been clicked.
A tag may be modified by selecting the tag from the list and modifying the text that appears in
the Update tag box. Clicking Apply updates the Tags list with the changes.
To apply the changes in the Tags list to the instrument click Upload.
6. Probe Settings
This feature allows access to the probe settings. Probe settings may include information such as
probe type, conversion, and calibration information.
The Probe Settings dialog displays the information currently stored for the probe(s). If the
instrument has more than one channel settings for the probes are displayed on the
corresponding tabs. Changes made on the dialog are not written to the instrument until the
Upload button has been clicked.
Settings may be modified using the dialog. Once the changes have been made click the Upload
button to write the changes to the instrument. If the probe settings are protected a dialog will
appear prompting for a password. Changes will not be written to the instrument unless a valid
password is supplied.
Probe configurations can be saved and loaded from the dialog. Saving a probe configuration
creates a file containing the current setup for the channel selected on the dialog. Loading a
probe configuration populates the selected channel on the dialog with the stored settings from
the selected file.
7. Commands
This feature allows for direct serial communication with a connected instrument.
Communication settings are setup automatically during the auto-detection process. For more
details on selecting the COM port see the Settings section.
The Commands dialog is similar to other terminal programs. Type supported serial
communication commands in the Command box. Click the Send button to send the command to
the instrument. Responses received from the instrument are displayed in the Response box.
The information displayed in the Response box can be saved to a text file by clicking the Save
This feature is available regardless of the instrument and appears whether or not an instrument
is detected.
8. Settings
The Settings dialog contains settings and configuration information used by the software.
The COM Port used by the software may be specified on the Communication tab. This option
stores the port that the software attempts to detect an instrument on.
The Default Folder Path option designates a folder to use as the default folder for saving and
opening files on other dialogs.
Click OK to save changes made on the Settings dialog.
This feature is available regardless of the instrument and appears whether or not an instrument
is detected.
9. Web Site
Visit our web site to check for product updates:
As we develop new instruments, support for these instruments is typically added to existing
software by way of an upgrade or a Service Release. These will typically be available for
download from our web site. Check our web site frequently for free demo software, Service
Releases and updates as well as information on new products and services.
Our web site also has a page that answers Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about each of our
software products.
If you have any comments about this or any other Hart Scientific software product, including
features that you would like to see added to our software, we would like to hear from you.
Please contact us as described in the Technical Support section below.
10. Technical Support
If you have any problems running this software, contact one
of the authorized Service Centers to coordinate service:
Fluke Corporation
Hart Scientific Division
799 East Utah Valley Drive
American Fork, Utah 84003-9775
Phone: +1.801.763.1600
Toll Free: +1.800.438.4278
Fax: +1.801.763.1010
E-mail: support@hartscientific.com
Internet: www.hartscientific.com
Fluke Nederland B.V.
Customer Support Services
Science Park Eindhoven 5108
5692 EC Son
Phone: +31-402-675300
Telefax: +31-402-675321
E-mail: ServiceDesk@fluke.nl
Fluke Int'l Corporation
Service Center - Instrimpex
Room 2301 Sciteck Tower
22 Jianguomenwai Dajie
Chao Yang District
Beijing 100004, PRC
Phone: +86-10-6-512-3436
Telefax: +86-10-6-512-3437
E-mail: xingye.han@fluke.com.cn
Fluke South East Asia Pte Ltd.
Fluke ASEAN Regional Office
Service Center
83 Clemenceau Avenue
#15-15/06 Ue Square
Phone: +65-737-2922
Telefax: +65-737-5155
E-mail: antng@singa.fluke.com
If you are having a problem with one of the instruments being used, please check the User's
Guide for that instrument to make sure it is setup properly.
When contacting a Service Center, please send or have the following information ready:
1. Name of Software
2. The software version and build (typically found on the Help | About dialog, i.e. v1.0.123)
3. A detailed description of the problem
4. What you were doing when the problem arose
5. The exact wording of any error message you received
6. Any other information that may help to solve the proble