The Problem:
Recently we have seen instances where relatively new customers are not using the Ellipsis and Quick Link
buttons in MET/TEAM correctly.
In MET/TEAM you will find many places were there are controls that display text with both an ellipsis and Quick Link control to the right. A common example is the asset page's "Customer" control:
This type of control is used to display one piece of data from a 'linked' record in another table. The "Quick Link" button ? is used to view the linked record and see all the related data but rarely to modify the linked data, especially not to completely change the meaning of the record.
The ellipsis button ? is used to change which record is linked, allowing you to select an existing, but different record than the one that is currently linked.
We suggest thinking of it this way....
Use the [Ellipsis] to change, [Quick Link] to view.
Use the Ellipsis ? to change (what record is related).
Use the Quick link ?? to view (the 'gory details' of the linked record).
Here is a specific example from a real world situation....
What happened above effectively 'deleted' the "MFG SPECS" procedure from MET/TEAM and replaced it with "Fluke 115_(1Yr) CAL VER_5500_MU.pxe". So everywhere in MET/TEAM, including historical work orders, that had a procedure of "MFG SPECS", were now "Fluke 115_(1Yr) CAL VER_5500_MU.pxe". There are times when changing a Procedure Name is necessary, but they are rather rare and typically they are to correct a typo made no more than a few minutes, hours or possibly days earlier. Displaying warnings when actions like this happen is possible via 'data checks' but they are only in the 'full' version of MET/TEAM, but not the "Express" version.
As stated above, there are many places in MET/TEAM you will find controls that look like the Work Order's "Procedure Used" and the Asset's "Customer " and all have similar functionality.
- If you do see some data element that doesn't 'look right', and you are have the "Change Tracking" system default enabled, you can use the "View Audit History" button
? located in the top right of most every page, to view the 'historical' changes to that record and confirm if something has been incorrectly changed in the past and if so, who made the change and when. Then training can occur to prevent future issues.
- Security can also be used to prevent certain 'groups' of users from being able to use things like the "Save", "Add", "Delete" and "Copy" buttons. This way less experienced users can belong to security groups that don't have rights to perform certain functions. This is especially valuable for pages, like "Types" and "Procedures". Then, as a user gains more experience, the groups they belong to can be changed, giving them additional rights and responsibilities. This article has additional information regarding: Managing and configuring security in MET/TEAM
We suggest thinking of it this way....
Use the [Ellipsis] to change, [Quick Link] to view.
Use the Ellipsis ? to change (what record is related).
Use the Quick link ?? to view (the 'gory details' of the linked record).
Keep in mind the correct use of the Ellipsis and Quick Link buttons so you won't see any data issues like the example above.