
Below details how to create a new MET/TEAM Procedure that uses an Excel spreadsheet for the data collection and a PDF file for the work instructions.

1. Log in MET/TEAM, Maintenance->Procedures.

2. In the "Find Procedure" window, click "Add" button. In the pop up "Add Procedure" window, type in "Excel Procedure Example".

3. Click Ellipsis for the "Data Sheet" textbox to bring up the "Attach Data Sheet" window. If the Excel  spreadsheet has been inserted to MET/TEAM, then choose "Procedure" for the search value and click "Find" button, and skip to step 4. If the spreadsheet has not been inserted to MET/TEAM, click "Add" button, and follow below steps from 3a to 3c.

3a. In the pop up "Add File" window, "Link To" drop down listbox, click "Procedure".

3b. Click the "Browse" button for the "File Name" to browse to the Excel spreadsheet, "Uncertainty_5500Col_WorkSheet.xlsx". 

3c. Click "Save" button, then "Close" button.

4. In "Attach Data Sheet" window, double click the procedure name for the Excel spreadsheet, "Uncertainty_5500Col_WorkSheet.xlsx".

5. In the "Add Procedure" window, click Ellipsis for the "Procedure File" textbox to bring up the "Attach Procedure File" window. 

6. In the "Attach Procedure File" window, If the PDF file has been inserted to MET/TEAM, then choose "Procedure" for the search value and click "Find" button, and jump to step 7. If the PDF file has not been inserted to MET/TEAM, click "Add" button, and follow below steps from 6a to 6c, then go back to step 5. 

6a. In the pop up "Add File" window, "Link To" dropdown listbox, click "Procedure".

6b. Click the "Browse" button for the "File Name" textbox to browse to the PDF file, "CalTestInstruction.pdf".

 6c. Click "Save" button, then "Close" button. 

7.In "Attach Procedure File" window, double click the PDF file, "CalTestInstruction.pdf" from the search result list.

8. Under the "Service Type (Proc)" dropdown listbox, click "Calibration".

9. Click Ellipsis for the "Category (Proc)" textbox to bring up the "Select Category (Proc)" window. Click "Add" button and type in "Excel" in the "New Category" window. Click OK button. Then double click "Excel" from the "Category Name" list.

10. Click "Save" button, then "Close" button.