
This information is in addition to Section 5 of the E-DWT Operation and Maintenance Manual


Replace Fluid in E-DWT-H 

  1. Turn ram screw (also called variable volume, VV) fully clock-wise
  2. Open reservoir and remove fluid with syringe, rag, etc.
  3. Fill reservoir with new fluid
  4. Open TEST port on top of E-DWT
  5. Install reservoir cap and use priming pump to purge old fluid through TEST port (do this at least two times)
  6. Turn ram screw fully counter-clock-wise to fill with new fluid
  7. Turn ram screw fully clock-wise to purge its fluid through TEST port (repeat if necessary)
  8.  Repeat steps 3 to 7 as necessary until clean fluid comes from TEST port
  9. We offer a drain/fill kit for E-DWT if you wish to more thoroughly drain or fill the E-DWT. See this instruction sheet,

Here is the part number and description for the drain/fill kit. Quotes can be obtained from, or orders made to, our orders team at or by calling 1.877.355.3225.

Part Number: 3462475
Description: LIQUID FILL KIT


Visual Inspection and Tighten Loose Hardware

  1. With TEST ports closed and RESERVOIR VENT valve closed, turn E-DWT on its side so you can view the internals through the bottom
  2. Inspect internally for loose nuts, screws, etc. Remove side panel(s) if that makes for easier access

See this article for spare parts and some prints, /en-US/hc/en-us/articles/206180260


Contact Fluke Calibration Pressure Technical Support at the below link or by phone at 1.877.355.3225