
COMPASS for Pressure and COMPASS for Flow calibration software have an Export to MET/TRACK feature. Search the COMPASS Help File for "MET" to view various information about the feature.

If the export does not work you might get a blank screen like this,

Or there could be errors in data that is exported.

Installing a patch will likely fix any issues. Download the applicable patch for MET/TRACK v7.3 SP1 or for v8.X (any version of 8). Download from one of the links below.

Download the file to:
C:\Program Files\Fluke\METTRACK
C:\Program Files (x86)\Fluke\METTRACK

Double-click the zip file to extract the files to the same METTRACK folder

Double-click the RegisterMetrackLink.bat registration file to register the dll files. 

A successful registration will look something like this.

An unsuccessful registration will look something like below (with errors). This is typically because the registration file is written only for MET/TRACK installs at C:\Program Files\Fluke\METTRACK

The solution is to modify the registration file to point to C:\Program Files (x86)\Fluke\METTRACK , or wherever you have MET/TRACK installed. A modified registration file RegisterMetrackLinkX86.bat can be downloaded from the link below.


Once you have the files registered you can try a data export again. You don't have to run a test in COMPASS to export the data. Another method is by the menu path, [Data], <Export Data to MET/TRACK>.

Select the COMPASS data file that you want to export

And if successful, the screen will look something like this. Review the data in MET/TRACK and generate a calibration report if necessary. The patch worked and you are done! Continue below if you get any errors.

If you get errors during the export it is probably due to MET/TRACK needing some required fields populated and they are not exported by COMPASS. Here's an example.

If you have this error, a custom prompt file is needed. See the below attached file named "compassexport sample.prm" for an example, and see the COMPASS online help file (snippet below).

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