
To remove the Access passcode in Limits menu,

  1. Using the annual password override file /en-US/hc/en-us/articles/203834044-Access-codes-to-calibrate-Ruska-model-pressure-controllers, find the passcode for the current date.
  2. Enter this number as access code in Menu|setup|limits (7250) Menu|Menu|setup|limits (7252).
  1. Scroll down to Access and enter 0 (zero), then [enter].
  1. It will ask you to change pass code, enter yes.

Exit screen and press [previous] to top menu. The Access code should now be reset.


To remove the calibration passcode,

  1. Using the annual password override file /en-US/hc/en-us/articles/203834044-Access-codes-to-calibrate-Ruska-model-pressure-controllers, find the passcode for the current date.
  1. Enter this number as access code in Menu|calibrate|calibrate|edit or Menu|Menu|calibrate|edit.
  1. Scroll down to Access and enter 0 (zero), then [enter].
  1. It will ask you to change pass code, enter yes.

Exit screen and press [previous] to top menu. The calibration access code should now be reset to not be required.