Views: 23
March 19, 2023

Configuring a Remote TrendLink Workstation to Communicate with Fluke DAQ

If you want a remote TrendLink installation to communicate with your Fluke DAQ server, you may need to configure DCOM settings. These steps should be executed on the Fluke DAQ server.

  1. Press [Win]+R to bring up the run box. Type dcomcnfg and click OK to bring up the Component Services application.
  2. On the left panel, expand Component Services -> Computers -> My Computer -> DCOM Config.
  3. Find the entry titled "Fluke DAQ HDA OPC Server", right-click it and select Properties.
  4. On the Properties tab, set the Authentication Level to None.
  5. On the Security tab, set the "Launch and Activation Permissions" to Customize and click the Edit... button next to it.
  6. In the Access Permission window, click the Add... button.
  7. In the next screen, type "Everyone" in the bottom field, click Check Names, and click OK.
  8. Back in the Access Permission window, select Everyone in the top grid, and check the Allow Local Access and Remote Access check boxes. Click OK.
  9. Back on the Security tab, now set the "Access Permissions" to Customize and click the Edit... button next to it.

  10. Repeat steps 6-8 for the Access Permissions.
  11. Close out of the Properties window and the Component Services window.

Once you have finished these steps, the TrendLink workstation should be able to communicate with the Fluke DAQ server.