
A Fluke 1523 (single channel) or 1524 (dual channel) Reference Thermometer is commonly used for temperature monitoring in Flow applications, especially on rotameters. It could be used in Pressure or direct Temperature applications also.


This article will guide you through setting these devices up in COMPASS for Flow. For further details on how they are used from a hardware perspective see this article:

Temperature monitoring of gas flow


The RS232 cable that comes with the 1523/1524 will be used for communications between the device and your computer. A USB to RS232 adapter will also be needed if your computer does not have an RS232 port (most newer PCs do not) and the driver needs to be installed on your PC. Will then need to use the Windows Device Manager (or the converter utility) to see what COM port number the connection has been assigned to.



Since using the 1523/1524 for temperature monitoring/compensation it would typically be setup as a Support Device. Create a new setup for this and populate the tabs as follows follows ...


Start by giving it a Record Label name as you desire and then jump down to the Manufacturer field and select Fluke from the drop down list that already exists. Then use the respective drop down for Model to select 1523 or 1524.



Click on the mceclip2.png button to load the pre-defined setup that already exists in COMPASS. Once click OK it will load the settings and a message box to inform you of this will appear.



Modify the Serial Number, Identification, and Customer ID fields as desired/applicable. Only one of these fields is required to have a value to continue.



The Calibration tab is optional and typically not modified since not used in most cases.



In the Communications tab select RS232 as the Data Acquisition Type and then click on the Ports button to select the COM port number that we previously found Windows was using for the port the device is connected to on your PC. The RS232 settings of 9600,N,8,1 need to be used. All other settings are typically not modified from their defaults.


*** If using COMPASS v5.0 or higher might need to change the Response Terminator to just <CR> if not getting proper/reliable responses from the 1523/1524 in COMPASS when running a Test.


You can click on the Edit Commands button to view the command that is being used but normally this was already loaded properly when selecting the pre-defined setup for the 1523/1524 in one of the first steps above. Verify the Command is "MEAS? 1" . This assumes the probe you will used is connected to channel 1 if its a 1524. Other settings should remain as shown below. 


*** If using the 1524 dual channel model and want to use its channel #2 instead, the command would be changed to "MEAS? 2". There is also the option of changing this Support Device to an Advanced Type on the Header tab and could then set it up to read both the channels. This is not common, but if have a device where say you want to get both its the inlet and outlet temperature the 1524 could be setup to accomplish this.


The Output tab values should also already be pre-defined properly but can change this if say you prefer units of Fahrenheit. The Min and Max values are usually set to something much greater than the spectrum you will expect to see or what your probe is capable of measuring. Tolerance does not need to be changed as it is not the device being calibrated in this case, but can be changed as desired for documentation purposes.



Click the mceclip9.png button to complete the setup. Your 1523/1524 can now be used for any of the temperature monitoring/compensation selections when defining a Test or similar.