
Many companies choose to use HTTPS to run their METTEAM website for increased security.This article will go over an issue you may experience when upgrading to METTEAM 3.1.0 using HTTPS due to an issue with the initial installer that was released. The problem installer was removed from the website and replaced with a fixed version but some users may have downloaded the installer with the issue


During the upgrade process to METTEAM 3.1.0, the updater tells the user that it will be replacing the web.config file and renaming the current one to web.config.old.


If you navigate to the METTEAM website folder, you will not see a file called web.config.old.

Trying to navigate to the METTEAM website will result in a page that says Error 500.


  1. Navigate to your web.config file (by default found at c:\inetpub\wwwroot\METTEAM
  2. Rename your web.config file to web.config.old
  3. Download the attached web.config file
  4. Open the downloaded web.config file in a text editor like Notepad
    1. You can right-click on the file and select Open with-->Choose another app and select Notepad
  5. Open your web.config.old file in a text editor
  6. Everywhere it says "replaceme" in the downloaded web.config file (five total spots), copy the information from your web.config.old file
    1. In the following example, I would change the two replaceme entries to "PC-EVT--63XRN2\SQL2016" and "metteam"
  7. Change all five instances of "replaceme" and save it to where your old web.config file was (by default found at c:\inetpub\wwwroot\METTEAM)