
Fluke DAQ 6.0 has been discontinued. The download is still available for existing users to download for installation as necessary. See this web page, Fluke DAQ Software | Fluke

The Fluke Daq 6.X software license is a single-seat license.  It can be transferred from one computer to another if necessary, but cannot be registered on more than one computer at a time.  To transfer a license, follow the instructions below.

In an email provide the following:

the Site code you recorded in step 1 of the licensing process for the computer you are transferring from.  

The Serial number and Activation Key from the Fluke Daq software DVD case.

A new site code obtained by following the instructions in the registration article.  

Send the email with the subject, "Fluke Daq License Transfer request", to  

The process is usually fairly quick, however it is a manual process so it may take a few days in some instances. 


For more information contact