
Please note: This article does not apply to customers running MET/TEAM EXPRESS version.  Contact your sales representative for more information.  Fluke Calibration Sales


This article will show how to setup an email alert so that recall reports are sent to the person who is assigned to an asset, rather than a single contact or coordinator for a group of assets. This is useful for organizations where the responsibility to return a due asset falls on the individual that the asset is assigned to.

Because there is oftentimes a large amount of contacts that can be assigned an asset within an organization, it is usually not worthwhile to manage the list of contacts for this email alert by hand. Instead, this article will also show you how to implement a Data Check that will automatically generate the list of contacts to send out recall reports. The two files necessary to create this Data Check can be found for download at the bottom of this article. Please note that the tool assignment contact has to be a contact of the 'Customer' that owns that particular asset.

1) Download the two files from this article.

2) In MET/TEAM, go to Configure -> Data Checks.

3) In the Manage Data Check Scripts screen, click the Add button.

4) Give the data check a name, mark it as active, and set the affected page to 'Runnable', as shown below.

5) Paste the contents of 'Runnable - Manage Tool Assignment Recipients.txt' into the body of the data check and save the record.

6) Click the Add button in the lower left-hand corner of the screen to add a new SQL Function.

7) Name the function UpdateTARecipeints as shown below. This name is case-sensitive.

8) If you are using METTEAM 2.1.2 or older, paste the contents of 'UpdateTARecipients.txt'  into the body of the SQL Function and save the record. If you are using METTEAM 2.2.0 or higher, paste the contents of 'UpdateTARecipients_220.txt' into the body of the SQL Function.

The data check should look like the below screenshot when it is complete.

We now need to create an email alert that sends a recall alert to Tool Assignment owners.

1) Go to Reports -> Alerting Schedules.

2) In the Find Alert screen, click the Add button.

3) Fill out the Alert Name, Report Name, Email Subject, and Email Body like the screenshot below. You can provide custom text in the subject and body fields to represent the wording you want displayed in the email that gets sent out. Recall-Alerting-ToolAssignment.rpt is a good default report to use for this alert, but if you have a custom one made you can use that instead.

4) Click on the Data Check ellipsis and select the Data Check that was added earlier.

5) Back in the Alert screen, now click on the Alert Parameter Sheet ellipsis to select the date range parameters.

6) Choose a start date and end date for the report, and save the record. The settings pictured below will include all overdue assets, as well as assets that will be due within the next month.

7) Save the alert.

8) Add a schedule for the alert by clicking the green button under the Schedule grid. Choose a period for when the emails get sent.

The alert schedule should now look something like this when it is all finished. Note that contacts do not have to be added to the record, because the Data Check that was added will add the necessary contacts automatically every time the alert is ran.