
Occasionally you will have data that you want to import into METTEAM that has characters from the extended ASCII character set (e.g. you want to import data from a company in a non English speaking country). This is possible in METTEAM with a slight modification of the text document you are importing.

Below describes the ways that you can do that with the two most common import file types.

Tab Delimited File

  1. Open your tab delimited text document in Notepad.exe
  2. Click File and select Save As...
  3. In the Encoding dropdown menu right next to the Save button, select UTF-8
  4. Click Save

Comma Separated Values

  1. Open your CSV file in Excel
  2. Click on File
  3. Select Save As
  4. Under the filename, click the file type dropdown menu and select CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv)
  5. Click Save