FAQ - Fluke 810 Vibration Analyzer Viewer Software No Longer Supported
Fluke 810 Vibration Analyzer Viewer Software No Longer Supported
- The Viewer software may or may not work on all computers
- Sometimes the Viewer software installs and works fine
- Sometimes the customer’s software / IT group can get it working
- Sometimes the customer’s software / IT group can not get it working
- All of the 810 features / capabilities will function properly without the Viewer software
- 810 Viewer software allows users to transfer data / results from 810 to the PC to view what is on the 810, backup the database, and print PDF report
- Over the years, the Viewer software has shown more installation problems:
- From updates to the computer’s operating system
- From the many different computers, platforms, and manufacturers
- From software programs and restrictions loaded on company networks by software / IT groups
- Fluke technical support can no longer support the 810 Viewer software. Users are welcome to:
- Try to install and use the Viewer software on their own
- Contact their software / IT group for help
- Use the 810 as a self-contained, standalone device