This article discusses some troubleshooting steps for the "-1004: Failed to open device" error for the Fluke RSE-300 and RSE-600 Mounted IR cameras.
Typically, the error occurs when another software application is already connected to the camera, or the camera believes that another connection exists.  
Note: the camera cannot connect if the computer is connected a VPN. Please disconnect from any VPN that is active on the computer and try again.
To troubleshoot a connection issue follow the steps outlined below.
  1. Power off the camera and disconnect from the computer.
  2. Restart the computer and only open SmartView R&D, nothing else.
  3. Power on the camera and connect to computer.
  4. Connect in SmartView R&D.

If these steps do not resolve the issue, the problem may be that the IP address for the camera is not configured correctly.  The camera must be on the same network subnet as the ethernet adapter, if this is the case, it may require a Network Administrator to address this issue. A workaround to this issue would be to establish a direct connection between the camera and PC using the steps outlined in the manual.

RSE-300 and RSE-600 Users Manual.