Visninger: 10
oktober 3, 2022

FAQ - How to download from 43x ii


How to get recorded data from a 43x series ii instrument ?



There are two methods,

  • USB connection
  • Reading from the SD memory card.

Power Log was used to download from a number of instruments, when series ii of the 43x family was introduced, it became difficult to maintain one version and after v4.4, Power Log was split into two versions. 

  • Version v4.x, also known as “Power Log Classic” continues with the older instruments (345 / VR1710 / 1735 / 43x series i)
  • Version v5.x, is for 43x series ii, (firmware v5.02 and above) 

The two programs use different file formats :  Power Log 4.x reads *.fpq files  where Power Log 5.x reads *.fpqo files.


For data download from Fluke 430 series ii into Power Log software, follow next procedure:Transfer via a USB cable plugged into the instrument, the drivers can be downloaded from here… correctly installed the 43xii will appear in the Ports section of Device Manger as a virtual Comm Port.Please check that it uses a port number between 3 and 8 inclusive.If the 435ii port does not already appear in the highlighted field (orange ellipse), select it from the list off the drop down arrow at the end of that filed.  Initiate the download from the square button to the right (red square).As a faster alternative to using the USB cable, the recording can be opened directly from the SD card or from an exact copy of its folder structure.Turn the instrument off, extract the SD card from the battery compartment and place it in a card reader.From the tool bar in Power Log – click the “SD CARD” button, then navigate to the location of the “Fluke” folder.Click on the top level “FLUKE” folder to highlight it (or its equivalent – it may have been renamed if you are using a copy of the card) and click OK.

This will open the window that allows you to select from the recordings stored on the SD card…

Select the measurement of interest and click Download, the data will open in Power Log and then from the “File” drop down menu select “Save As” to create a .FPQO file.

The required version of power log also depends on the firmware in the instrument, if you get error messages, please contact your regional support team with screen shots and a note of the firmware in the 435ii. (top right corner of SETUP screen).  
Note that a firmware update will clear instrument memory.