FAQ - Fused Test Leads, Proving Unit, GS38 and EN61243
Fused Test Leads, GS38, Proving Unit and EN61243
Do Fluke offer fused test leads and a proving unit in order to comply with these regulations?
A free copy of GS38 can be downloaded from: https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/gs38.htm
The main points of GS38 are 4mm tips, finger guards, proving units and fuses or internal protection (see page 4).
Please see notes 20 and 22 on pages 7 and 8 which refer to proving units and EN61010-1
The decision to use fused probes is one that should come from a user’s risk assessment; HSE guidance note GS38 is UK specific, where Fluke meters conform to a wider standard EN61010-1.
For further information please see this link for application note ”ABCs of Multimeter Safety” and the Wikipedia link:
Provided it is used within its rated voltage and category defined by EN61010, a Fluke meter could be considered as not requiring fused test leads as it has proper internal protection.
Fluke meters are not sold with fused leads, these would need to purchased as an accessory.
The use of 500mA fuses should be balanced against the meters capability to measure 10A
Fluke do recognise GS38 and offer fused test leads/probes:
FTPL (probes & leads) or FTP (probe only, requires TL224). 11A fused including a circuit to show the presence of some voltage if the fuse has blown.
TLK291, Fused "shuttered" probe. 500mA fused.
TLK291 would require TL224
Health and safety requirements also promote the use of a proving unit to check for blown fuses before and after verification of voltage.
For this "three point check", please consider the PRV240: https://dam-assets.fluke.com/s3fs-public/6009795_6118_ENG_A_W.PDF
The two pole testers (T1x0 series) are designed to meet EN61243, the "self test" can only verify that the LED's/Display are functioning, it cannot verify the measurement circuit of the tester. Verification of the measurement circuit requires a known voltage source and so the use of a proving unit is also recommended.
The EN61243 standard also requires that the device can indicate a hazardous voltage is present even if its batteries have failed. In that case it will not show the actual voltage - only indicate a hazard. It achieves this by drawing power from the Voltage it is connected to.