

I know how to change the test interval for a single device but I`d like to change the interval for all devices of a certain customer at once. Is that possible in Fluke DMS*?


Yes, you can change the test interval for all devices of a customer, a site or even a department at once!

To do this, please proceed as follows:

  • Open Fluke DMS on your Computer
  • Mark the customer, the site or department you`d like to change the test interval for.
  • Click on "Reports" in the menu.
  • Click on "Error Statistics" - A new window will open that has several tabs - this is a filter where you can chose what you`d like to change.
  • Click either on the tab "customer", "site" or "department" within this window and tick the box for "current customer", "current site" or "current department".
  • Click on "Continue" and then in the next window on "change test interval".
  • You can now enter a value that will be multiplied with the current set test intervals (e.g. - if you enter a two and click OK, all intervals will be doubled; if you enter 0.5, all intervals will be halved).


*This FAQ is also valid for the Software Beha ES-Control