PPCH and OPG1 pump rebuild/replacement/spares
The pump within a PPCH and OPG1 hydraulic pressure controller is a maintenance item and will need rebuilt or replaced after extended use. We typically see these pumps last 5-10 years but varies based on application and pump hours.
If having issues with the pump not generating pressure would first check that the inlet filter to the pump is not clogged by replacing it. Recommend keeping a spare filter in stock for this troubleshooting. The pump inlet filter can be obtained directly from Swagelok and their part number is SS-4FW-15. First, make sure your filter currently installed in the PPCH has this part number listed on the filter. If not, it is an older style filter and would need to purchase a kit from us to use this newer filter which is part 3401429 and includes instructions to perform the upgrade.
If have the resources to do pump maintenance on your own It is a good idea to have a spool valve rebuild kits in stocked and/or have a spare pump to avoid downtime. Pump replacement and spool valve rebuild are discussed in detail in the PPCH Operation and Maintenance Manual.
The Spool Valve rebuild is fairly simple and instructions are shown in this video by MaxPro:
Before concluding the pump needs to be rebuilt or replaced will want to do some basic troubleshooting at a minimum. Will first want to verify there are no leaks internal or external to the system or excessive air trapped in the lines. Double check your drive pressure is set to 90 PSI. It is recommended this be a regulated line to help isolate the PPCH from other devices on the line. Drive pressure tubing should be standard 1/4in or larger (not small ID tubing). You might check the muffler on the exhaust port. It is normally opened up 1.5 turns of the adjustment screw and if any less can cause this problem on occasion. Best way to test if muffler is a problem is to just remove it temporarily but it will be loud. Just the spool valve might need to be rebuild if the PPCH will not generate pressure only on occasion and sometimes goes away or gets worse as this component can start to "stick" with age and use. You might also hear it leaking drive air if it is not functioning properly. It is basically a c-clip and a bunch of o-rings to replace if considering rebuilding the spool valve yourself. If it is concluded the pump itself is leaking oil internally the pump will need to be rebuilt/replaced.
There are few different options to have to have a PPCH pump rebuilt/replaced. We do not rebuild the pumps but can sell a replacement/spare pump. It is recommended to have a spare in general to avoid downtime. Other option is going directly through Maximator/MaxPro which will likely be able to provide quick turnaround time and fair cost. They also sell the pumps directly. We have had some customers who were able to track down a local pump shop through MaxPro and have their pump rebuilt very quickly or purchased new pump locally.
To setup an RMA to have us evaluate the PPCH contact service@flukecal.com or call 877-355-3225 and ask for Service.
To purchase a new pump, spool valve kit, or inlet filter can go through orders@flukecal.com or call 877-355-3225 and ask for Orders. Give the part number you need based on the below info:
- For 70M and 100M PPCH models the pump is part 3115743. This is OEM part PP189. ***
- For 140M and 200M PPCH (and OPG1) models the pump is part 3115755. This is OEM part PP189-2
- The spool valve kit for either pumps (with grease included) is part 3071930
- The inlet filter is part 3138000 or if the PPCH was manufactured prior to 12/2008 order part 3401429 which includes a necessary tube to upgrade it. Order the later part number if unsure when was manufactured.
*** The pumps listed above are our recommendations and should order the appropriate pump. A PP189-2 could be used in place of a PP189 if only have a spare of it available to get some workload done or similar if you understand there might be some side effects. Can then later install the proper pump. The higher output pressure of the PP189-2 might cause control issues (Valve Config routine might might compensate for this). The PP189-2 at 90 PSI produces an output of almost 40k PSI so is a lot more then the ~20k PSI would have with the PP189 pump. Would still want to use 90 PSI drive pressure rather than drop it to compensate as this drive pressure is also used for other valves inside the PPCH that might not function well at lower pressures.
To go through MaxPro to get a pump rebuilt, replaced, or a spare the following info will help. See OEM pump part numbers listed above for the pumps we use based on the model of PPCH.
Product info: http://www.maxprotech.com/maxpro-product-detail.php?id=52 and http://www.maxprotech.com/maxpro-subproduct-detail3.php?item=857 .
Their contact info is:
MAXPRO Technologies, Inc.
7728 Klier Drive South
Fairview, Pennsylvania 16415 USA
Phone: 814.474.9191
Fax: 814.474.9391
The spool valve rebuild kit appears is MaxPro part 10.04.00 “Spool Kit for PP Series”. Last we checked their kit does not come with grease and should use a light o-ring grease that is not tacky.