Ti90, Ti95, Ti100, Ti105, Ti110, Ti125, TiR105, TiR110, TiR125 Device Driver Location
The device driver for the Ti90, Ti95, Ti100, Ti105, Ti110, Ti125, TiR105, TiR110, TiR125 are located in the SmartView software folder "ti125usb"
To install thermal imaging camera drivers:
1. Connect the thermal imaging camera to the computer with the USB cable.
2. On the computer open Device Manager.
3. Locate the device. It may be labeled as Unknown Device or in the Ports (COM & LPT) section as USB Serial Port (COM) or listed as a "Fluke Thermal Imager" but in the Other devices section.
4. Once the device has been located in Device Manager, right-click on the device name and select Update Driver.
5. When the Update Driver window opens select the Browse My Computer option.
6. If SmartView is installed on the computer navigate to either:
32 Bit PC: C:\Program Files\Fluke\SmartView 4.3\ti125usb Or 64 Bit PC: C:\Program Files (x86)\Fluke\SmartView 4.3\ti125usb
If Fluke Connect Desktop is installed on the computer navigate to either:
32 Bit PC: C:\ProgramFiles\Fluke\Fluke Connect\ti125usb Or 64 Bit PC: C:\Program Files (x86)\Fluke\Fluke Connect\ti125usb
And select OK.