Views: 29
September 28, 2017

Transitioning from COMPASS Demo Version to Purchased Version


This applies to COMPASS for Pressure and COMPASS for Flow software. Note the below directories are shown for the Pressure version but will be the same for Flow with the exception that "Pressure" is replaced with "Flow"

It is in general recommended to use the Demo version for demo purposes only and to wait for the purchased version to be received rather than getting a "jump start" with the demo version as this can lead to some complications or extra work to make the transition if a lot of time has already been invested into setups within the demo version.

When the purchased version is received there are two ways to get it installed:


  1. Install over demo version (easy method but some potential complications)

          - Backup C: \DHI folder

          - Ensures any setups that were previously created can at worse case be imported back in if for some              reason they are overwritten. This is just a safety precaution as should not happen but if a glitch                    occurs anything is possible.

         - Insert CD and run the installation. 

          - This will reconfigure the demo install as it is not a typical install.  In some cases this does happen                   as desired and then must use method #2

          - Setups should not be lost but there is always some risk and thus why we backed up files previously


  1. Fresh install (recommended method to help ensure complete install)

          - Backup C:\DHI folder

          - Will ensure a backup of the setup databases is captured so they can be imported in after fresh                      installation

           - Use Windows Control Panel to uninstall the COMPASS demo install or previous version

           - Delete the following folders (these might have already been deleted by the uninstall)

                            -  C:\DHI\COMPASS for Pressure 

                            -  C:\Program Files(x86)\COMPASS for Pressure 

                             -  Windows desktop icon to launch COMPASS

            - Empty Windows Trash folder

            - Restart Windows and run the installation CD

            - Open COMPASS and go to menu Database/COMPASS Database Maintenance Tool. You can then                    browse to the compsetp.mdb database you backed up earlier under the DHI folder and move any                  setups from it into your new active database (also typically compsetp.mdb but in the new install                    directory).