PM600 / PM630 - Fast Sensor Calibration Commands with Module in Cal Kit/Sled
See the article PMM - Pressure Measurement Module Calibration Kits for information on using a PMM Calibration Sled to send remote commands to a Pressure Measurement Module.
See the article 6270A COMPASS database for troubleshooting sensors for information on using a PMM Calibration Sled to send remote commands to a Pressure Measurement Module.
Note: This article only applies to PM600 and PM630 Pressure Measurement Modules. PM200, PM230 and PM500 modules do not have fast sensors.
Note: Commands below are in quotes for clarity of what the full command is. Don't send quotation marks.
The below commands are to be used when the module is installed in the PMM Calibration Kit (Cal Sled). If the module(s) are installed in a 6270A/8270A/8370A controller then see this article,
PM600 Fast Sensor Calibration Commands with Module in Controller
The following user command adjusts the fast “inner loop” control sensor in a PM600 or PM630 module to match the quartz sensor. There is no query form. The below commands are to be used when the module is installed in the PMM Calibration Kit (Cal Sled).
FAST_ZERO Request that the fast sensor be zeroed to the quartz sensor and saved to FLASH. This should be done when pressure is stable and close to atmosphere. See UCOEF_SET3[0] command to read the current offset value.
FAST_SPAN Request that the fast sensor be span adjusted to the quartz sensor and saved to FLASH. This should be done when pressure is stable and close to its maximum pressure. See UCOEF_SET3[1] command to read the current span value.
To read the module's fast sensor current pressure (if applicable) send "VAL3?" command. The reply will be the value in the unit specified by PRES_UNIT command. This command is not needed for calibrating the module's pressure output.
Whenever you make changes to settings with the Cal Sled you must send “CAL_STORE” to save to memory. If not, and power is cycled, the value will not be stored.
To save changes to memory send "CAL_STORE" command
End of article