March 19, 2023

2700G - COMPASS for Pressure setup, and data logging test example

Instructions to setup a 2700G Series Reference Pressure Gauge in COMPASS for Pressure Calibration software, and to start a manual test that will log data. Note that these also work for the Fluke 700G Precision Pressure Test Gauge. The attached file is the same as the below information.

If you need the serial RS232 cable for the 2700G gauge here is the part number:
Part Number: 4450539
Description: (1920041),CABLE, FLUKE 2700G COMMUNICATION

The part number for the 700G serial RS232 cable is different and is 2410334 CABLE, SERIAL DB9F-3.5 ST/M

In COMPASS, open the Support Device Editor window and click the white blank piece of paper to make a new Support Device. 

If you want to setup the 2700G as a Device Under Test (DUT), open the DUT Editor window. If you want to set it up as a Support Device (can be used as a reference or standard), open the Support Device Editor window.

[Run], <Run Manual Test>

On the "Select DUT" screen don't select the 2700G. It will be selected as the reference device in the next screen.

If you want to log the 2700G data as a DUT set it up as a DUT (not as a Support Device), or you can setup it up as an Advanced (not Simple) Support Device and check the "This device can be used as a DUT" checkbox on the Header tab.

When the test is running press “Create Data File Icon” to open a data file

Press “Take Points at Timed Interval” to log points

If you aren't getting readings you might open the Spy Window to see what commands are being sent and received. See this article, Display COMPASS Interface Spy

If you need additional assistance please contact Fluke Calibration Pressure Technical Support at Pressure Support or call us at +1.877.355.3225