
This article describes how to create calibration reports from COMPASS data in Microsoft Excel. This particularly useful if you already have Excel workbooks that you use to do calculations, apply coefficients, etc. The data from one or more COMPASS data files is added to the corresponding worksheet in the specified Excel file and used to make pre-determined calculations, etc. on another worksheet (the calibration report). Each Excel workbook is uniquely named and can be automatically saved to the location of the COMPASS data file(s).

The goal of the attached Application Note is to export tables and graphs from Excel into the COMPASS Report Editor but another use of this "COMPASS with Excel" capability is to have the COMPASS Report Editor automatically open the Excel file at the end of a test and populate it with the test data. You don't have to export any of the Excel content back into the COMPASS Report. In fact the report in the COMPASS Report Editor should just have text in it that informs the user "Excel should have been opened automatically. View the report/data there."

Here is an example image of a calibration report in Excel from a COMPASS for Pressure data file.