
Updated: 02 January 2024

M. Daniels 




This article is quite technical. For an overview of calibrating Fluke Pressure Modules with COMPASS for Pressure see this recorded web seminar:

The presentation (not video) from the web seminar is attached at the end of this article as a pdf file.

Note that the new version of the 700PCK software that is compatible with 64-bit operating systems is available for download at this link 700PCK 64-bit OS. This 700PCK software is required for use with these new COMPASS macros.


An example database is available upon request for use with this tutorial.  Please contact the pressure calibration Technical Support team via and request the example database named, ""700P CompSetP_xfer1.mdb".


Note that the interface method in these setups does not require the flukeinterface.exe file like the previous COMPASS macros did.

Note that COMPASS must be closed and reopened after each test (or attempted test) when interfacing with 700PCK. If this is not done, then communications between COMPASS and 700PCK will not be established in the next test.

The updated macro names in this database all have 700P in them (instead of just 700) to designate that they are for 64-bit operating systems and the newer 700PCK software. For example, the new interface macro is now named "Fluke700P_GetPressure" while the old one was "Fluke700_GetReading". This is also to differentiate them from the older macros that required flukeinterface.exe. The old macros can be deleted from your database once you have confirmed that the new macros and tests work correctly. flukeinterface.exe is no longer required.

Once downloaded, you have two options to view, use or transfer the setups.

1. Open the COMPASS Database Maintenance Tool via the [Database], <COMPASS Database Maintenance Tool> menu path. For instructions to use this to transfer setups (Support Device, DUT, Test, etc.) to your database open the COMPASS Help File and type "Database Maintenance Tool" in the Search box.

2. Select this database via the [Database], <Setup> menu path. Click on the current database shown in the "COMPASS Configuration Database" box and then select the "700P CompSetP_xfer1.mdb" database. Note that you might have to add your COMPASS license to this database via the [Database], <License Management> menu path if your license is not automatically added to the database                                                   

You will have to edit existing DUT and Test Setups to use the new macros. DUT Setups need the new Interface macro "Fluke700P_GetPressure". Here's an example.

Edit the Test Setup to have the Zero test macro if you want to zero at the first point (or any point) in the test.

If you want to run an as-found verification run, adjust the module, and then run a as-left verification run you must specify that you want to run two Pressure Cycles (adjustment does not count as a cycle). Change "Pressure Cycle" to "2".

And in the Data tab choose the "Fluke700PCalibrationAdjust" macro as the active Test Event Macro. The Post Test Macro isn't necessary but may be in the future (see remaining issues below).

The default RS232 COM port is 1 (one). There are two ways to change this.

1. When initializing the test the COM port that the 700PCK hardware is on can be selected by entering the COM port number in the "Parameter ID" field. In the image below it is on COM2. If the Parameter ID field is left blank then the default port will be used from the macro. If you are have more than one DUT you must enter the COM port for the second, third, fourth, etc. DUTs in the Parameter ID field.

2. The COM port can also be changed in the Interface macro "Fluke700P_Get Pressure" by changing the number in the line that reads "defaultPort = 1" to the actual COM port. 

Update, 31 August 2015:
The database has been updated with new macros which include a pair of 700P/750P macros for use with a deadweight tester or a non-automated pressure controller/calibrator.

Update, 22 September 2015:
Edited the Interface macro "Fluke700P_GetPressure" so that the default port specified in the macro now works if Parameter ID is left blank.

Update, 6 December 2018:
Edited the Interface macro "Fluke700P_GetPressure" so that the port is correct whether specified in as "default port = " in the macro or as the DUT Parameter ID field during test initialization. Updated mdb file attached and .docx copy of that macro with changes noted.

Update, 11 April 2019: (to this file CompSetp_700P xfer Kyle New 20190411.mdb)
1. Cleaned up some extraneous information in DUT and test files
2. Added ISO17025 Uncertainty Calculation Test Macro (named UncCalc6270A) that will get the reference uncertainty from a 6270A controller (works with 2271A, 8270A & 8370A also)
3. Added Test Macro (named PreTest6270A) that will reset 6270A Range Tolerance setting to pressure units (psi, kPa, bar)  instead of % Range. COMPASS only sets Hold Limit in pressure units. (works with 2271A, 8270A & 8370A also)
4. Added Test Macro (named PostTest6270A) that will reset 6270A to default settings; Safety Limits, Range Tolerance set to % Range. (works with 2271A, 8270A & 8370A also). Pop-up window at end of test to remind user to close and re-open COMPASS before running another pressure module.

Remaining Issues:
1. COMPASS must be shutdown (closed) after each run because it's not releasing the COM port(s)


If you have questions contact Fluke Calibration Pressure Technical Support at the below link or by calling +1.877.355.3225