FAQ - How to activate Smartview R&D
I have received a card with a License key-code. How can I activate Smartview R&D software with this code ?
In order to activate Smartview R&D you need the activation license.
The activation license can be obtained by registering the RSE-camera together with the license key-code
Go to the page below to register your RSE camera :
fill in the form like this (used numbers are examples only) :
Then press register to create an account in order to receive the activation key.
Once you have received the activation key via e-mail (check your spam folder if no mail arrives in your inbox) start Smartview R&D.
Once you have received the activation key via e-mail (check your spam folder if no mail arrives in your inbox) start Smartview R&D.
Enter the activation key in the installation key field and your name and name organization the key belongs to.
Follow the next steps and activate by using Internet.
Smartview R&D will connect to the server and activate the software.
Author: Martijn Gerlag