FAQ - Activate DPCTrack2 on new PC
I need to activate DPCTrack2 on a new PC, how can I do this ?
DPCTrack2 needs to be uninstalled and deactivated first before the license can be used on a new PC.
The support for this process is with Prime Technologies and not with Fluke directly.
Prime Technologies is the Fluke partner for DPCtrack2 software.
Here's what you will need to do first:
Uninstall DPCTrack2 from the old computer using the Windows Add/Remove Programs tool.
After DPCTrack2 is uninstalled, navigate to C:\DPCTrack21 when default settings are used during original installation.
If installed on a different location navigate to the same named folder.
Find the deactivation.pcact file and the deactivaiton_2020_02_03_xxxx.log file and email them to techsupport@primetechpa.com
Also send your POP number (received when purchasing DPCTrack2) as well, this is also needed to deactivate DPCTrack2 before it can be used on the new PC.
The support team of Prime Technologies may have additional questions with regards using the old database.
Once DPCTrack has been deactivated the POP-number can be used again to activate DPCTrack2 on a new PC.