

The password for TruTest users are lost or forgotten.
Now the users cannot open the software anymore.


In the software TruTest passwords cannot be not viewed or edited.
The user with the role ADMIN can change the password of all users, also including other ADMIN users.

But in case the password for the ADMIN user is lost, all passwords must be removed completely and need to recreated.
There is a file in which all users are stored with their passwords, this file must be deleted.

In this case follow the procedure as below:

WARNING!: ALL users and passwords which are setup for TruTest will be removed!

Please navigate to: "C:\ProgramData\TruTest\Admin"
Delete the file "data.dat" in this directory.
This will delete all users and passwords.
Now the software Trutest can be started without any password again.

NOTE: The directory "C:\ProgramData\" is a hidden folder and may not be visible.
To make this directory visible you need to change the settings of Windows Explorer.
Open the tab "View and activate the selection "Hidden items".