Fluke Premium Care Activation Instructions
To fully leverage and make use of all benefits that come with the Fluke Premium Care (FPC) care plans, it requires the end-user to complete the activation of their care plan. Completion of the FPC activation on the My.Fluke.com portal usually only takes a few minutes.
Required information for activation:
To ensure your Fluke Premium Care (FPC) coverage is activated, please follow these steps:
1. During the Purchase Order Process:
Once Fluke processed the Purchase Order from the distributor, the email address of the end-user that was provided to Fluke will receive an email from the domain premiumcare-no-reply@fluke.com (*)
Therefore, the email address given to your distributor will be used to send the FPC activation instructions.
* Please check your spam folder in case you don’t find your activation email.
2. After the order is processed by Fluke:
a. The email address you provided during the purchase process will receive an FPC activation email.
b. Click on the activation link located in the middle of the email to open the My.Fluke.com activation window.
3.1. There are two different ways to enter the portal:
b. For new users who do not have an account yet: Go to my.fluke.com and register for an account.
3.2. After signing in, the Activate Premium Care screen will appear.
3.3. You can then choose:
To register a new product (to cover your new product with Fluke Premium Care)
Select an existing registered product for activation (To renew your Fluke Premium Care or cover a product you already have registered with FPC for the first time)
Adding a new product that is not already registered:
4. Confirm or update your address and items:
2. Access to your fluke account in https://my.fluke.com/.
3. Navigate to your registered products.
(*Step Not required for Renewals)In case you want to activate FPC for a new unit you don’t have registered in your account, you will need first to register the product, by clicking on “+New Product Registration”. Afterwards, you will be able to see it in your list for “My Products”. 4. Once you found the product for which you wish to activate your FPC, select the option Activate Premium Care:
To fully leverage and make use of all benefits that come with the Fluke Premium Care (FPC) care plans, it requires the end-user to complete the activation of their care plan. Completion of the FPC activation on the My.Fluke.com portal usually only takes a few minutes.
Required information for activation:
- The activation email received from Fluke after the Purchase Order (via your distributor) was processed.
- The models and serial numbers of the items that will be covered under FPC.
To ensure your Fluke Premium Care (FPC) coverage is activated, please follow these steps:
1. During the Purchase Order Process:
Once Fluke processed the Purchase Order from the distributor, the email address of the end-user that was provided to Fluke will receive an email from the domain premiumcare-no-reply@fluke.com (*)
Therefore, the email address given to your distributor will be used to send the FPC activation instructions.
* Please check your spam folder in case you don’t find your activation email.
2. After the order is processed by Fluke:
a. The email address you provided during the purchase process will receive an FPC activation email.
b. Click on the activation link located in the middle of the email to open the My.Fluke.com activation window.
- Note: In case the link does not work properly in your browser, please follow instructions on page number 5.
3.1. There are two different ways to enter the portal:
- a. For existing Flukenetworks.com users who haven't activated their account on the new portal (my.fluke.com):
- Visit the sign-in page, enter your email, and click "Forgot your password?" to set up your new account.
b. For new users who do not have an account yet: Go to my.fluke.com and register for an account.
- Note: a verification code might be sent to your email during the login process for security purposes.
3.2. After signing in, the Activate Premium Care screen will appear.
3.3. You can then choose:
- Select an eligible product from the provided drop-down list.
- Enter one valid serial number from your tester or module that you want to be covered by FPC.
- Enter a purchase date of the product.
- Click ‘Next’ to view suggestions for modules to be covered
- Review suggestions: If the suggestions are not applicable, select 'none of the above'.
4. Confirm or update your address and items:
- a. If the models and FPC serial numbers listed are correct, select 'Yes' and then 'Activate'.
- b. If any information is incorrect, choose 'No' or 'None of the above' and contact Fluke for assistance.
For Europe/Middle East/Africa | premiumcare-eu@fluke.com |
For Americas/Asia/Pacific | premiumcare@fluke.com |
- Note: Please include the models and serial numbers, and a screen capture in your email to Fluke.
In case the link from the Activation email does not work properly in your browser, please follow below instructions:
1. You will need to save the Activation code provided in the Activation email received:2. Access to your fluke account in https://my.fluke.com/.
3. Navigate to your registered products.
(*Step Not required for Renewals)In case you want to activate FPC for a new unit you don’t have registered in your account, you will need first to register the product, by clicking on “+New Product Registration”. Afterwards, you will be able to see it in your list for “My Products”. 4. Once you found the product for which you wish to activate your FPC, select the option Activate Premium Care:
5. A merging window will open. You will need to fill the Activation code provided in the activation e-mail and select “Next”:
6. Fill the required Contact Information and wait until the request is processed:
The Gold contract will be automatically activated, and you will be able to see it in the Premium Care option in the Menu.
Additionally, you will receive the Welcome e-mail confirming your FPC Gold plan has been activated.